Battle Splash - Third-Person Water Shooter Game on PC (Pre-Alpha build released)

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20 comments, last by nam1995 7 years ago
(Foreword: The following development post is written by the project lead of our studio, Mr. Mai Nguyen Binh Hung (a.k.a Delta Kangara). He has discovered new techniques to generate the terrain in easier ways, as well as opened new potentials for our game, Battle Splash)
The concept is simple: A big map, with a lots of stuffs! Well, technically, YES, it's that simple, let aside the map design, stories line, assets, art style or whatever. However, "THAT SIMPLE" comes with a great price:performance and resource management. Imaging a huge world with a lot of trees, rocks, houses, and many more "little things" like barrels, fences, or even some interior item like cup or spoon (Skyrim, yes?), and all of them fits into a single, resource limited computer. I'm not talking about some players or developers' machine with 16~32GB RAM, core i7, GTX 9XX and so on, I'm talking about much lower rig, something likecore i3~i5, Intel HD, 2~4GB of RAM, etc... Of course, some of you may think that: nah, that's just a common office rig, not suitable for gaming or something. Yet, if the game can "run", or can "barely run" on those machine, I believe it can perform well on high-end machine (I've been expected it to be 40~60FPS with maximum settings on medium rig) as well as its efficient in term of quality scaling.
To deal with the concept, several approaches have been listed out based on my knowledge and my research. The very first approaches is very simple: do a single experiment that uses only a single, huge terrain object and see what is the cost of a terrain. I've been tweaking around Unity and try to make the biggest map as possible. So far, the countryside map is the biggest playable map that I've created, but as for the scope of the experiment, I've created a single terrain with the size is 100 times bigger than the Countryside map. To make it clear, the tallest character of Battle Splash is Quadra with the height of 1.8 meters, while the biggest map's diameter that I've tried is around 7692.3 times larger than her height. Therefore, I believed that the actual map size is around 169 square kilometers (theoretically), with 200k trees from 3 different types. And here is some actual rendering with that big size of the map:
Here are some statistics for Nerd:
  • Resolution 1920x920 (Unity GUI prevented full HD in editor)
  • Average FPS: 65 (capped). Actual FPS: ~250FPS
  • Tree types: 3. Trees in terrain: 200k
  • Terrain and trees only, wind effect included.
In other words, I'm very surprised with the result. The draw distance was about 277 meters, and even when I tried to increase the draw distance and camera far clip plane to around 10 kilometers, average FPS still exceed 60 compared to the previous test. Unity terrain system did it job in simulating such a huge area. And as for the memory, the map take up to more than 100MB. Of course, this test doesn't mean it is possible to make a 169 km2 map out of the box with Unity, in terms of both technical and content development. However, it doesn't deny the fact either, that it is POSSIBLE to make such map if suitable methods are applied. Let's dig in and find out how!
The test showed that it is possible to achieve 60 FPS in rendering such terrain. However, the maps only contains trees and a single terrain object, and no grass or terrain foliage, so the FPS can dramaticallyincrease. In addition, there are only 3 types of tree, which were highly optimized and used in the Countryside map, thus there should be no problem rendering thousand of them (if there was, perhaps I had to re-optimize those trees again).
The thing that I did not mention before is the workflow to produce a map. Well, things often start from map concepts, then design, then sculpting the terrains (or importing height map), then placing assets (both procedural and traditional), etc... For this test only, all I've done are placing trees automatically, setting up splat map and then try to sculpt the terrain. There are some problems to be considered. First of all is the visual representation of the map itself. The map was too big, and navigation was really such a pain. It's hard to find the right place to sculpt and also there is no pivot that helps identify the correct height or shape of the chosen areas. The way to solve this problem is kinda simple (which I will discuss in the next part), yet the other problems seems to be way more serious than this one.
The picture above represents the Navigation map for a much smaller map (59 square kilometers, less trees than the 169 km2 one) and it took me almost 20 minutes to finish all the calculations. The size of this navigation mesh is about 70MB, compared to 6MB of Countryside map. The process used up almost 1.5GB of RAM, and you can imagine what would happen if I baked 169km2 map instead of this one. And there is not much assets just yet, so if there is any problem with navigation, then re-baking it might be a greater pain. Oh, about Occlusion Bake, you asked? Nah, my computer is NOT gonna last.
And for the final result, well....
The above picture represent the final image of the map, which was applied several image effects. To be honest, I'm quite satisfied with the result. Unity does a very good job with the terrain system in terms of rendering. But it's just the graphics, let alone physics, game logic and ton of additional assets. There will be plenty of problems such as: memory management, navigation (yes, huge map might lead to performance spike), Occlusion Culling, etc... Still, our workflow for such huge map is unclear at the moment, so I'll continue to dig deeper into it in order to make sure the balance between performance and quality.
After long and careful works, we're proud to bring you the revamped version of our new map, Paper World.

Sorry for the slow update of Battle Splash in recent days. Here's latest development progress with 2 clips taken directly from the game. The first clip shows the first weapon test with the iconic [water] launcher, while the second one presents first footages of our new revamped map, Paper World.


After nearly 1 1/2 months of silence, we would like to present to you our in-game sneak peek of Battle Splash. This trailer includes the first look of the story in Battle Splash with cinematic segments and a little bit of gameplay with sceneries and splashes. The video itself is 100% rendered in real-time graphics with Unity engine. It is a representative of actual graphics and gameplay of current work-in-progress development.
After the trailer had been posted on last weekend, our game has just reached #1 rank of Most Popular Game in IndieDB for the first time. Many great thanks for your support that contributing to our success! You can check our latest article in IndieDB with the following link:
Continue from the Player-vs-AI Test Session, includes HUD and put in player's direct perspective.

4 years of continuous development come to this fruition: Our very first gameplay video of Battle Splash. Everything you're about to see in here are what you can expect when playing this game.



Oh, and don't forget to vote our game on Greenlight. Thank you!

Our voting campaign in Greenlight has ended successfully as the game is officially Greenlit after 16 days, right in the end of year 2016. Therefore, thank you very much for supporting us and we'll do our best to create the finest experience in this water fight game.
Right after being Greenlit, we've started experimenting and making new features in Battle Splash. "Balloon Hop" (a.k.a "Water Balloon Hopping") is the first mechanism to be implemented in this year and it's a really fun one. This mechanic requires precise aiming and timing in order to be successfully executed. A series of perfect "Hops" will keep player leaping very fast.
" title="External link">
Along with the "Balloon Hop", we also decided to remake our Medieval Town map based on the community feedback. The buildings are re-modeled and the color tone is being adjusted in order to unify the overall aesthetics. At first, we tried with the tone of fresh green with examples below:
This is the comparison between the original version (upper) and the remake version (lower)
However, many feedback shows that most people prefer the orange/yellow color tones that implemented in the original map. So we decided to mix the original colors with new building models, which resulted in something fresh right here.
Comparing to the prototype made one year ago, this is a tremendous progress that we've done during the development
These are still Work-in-Progress, which you'll expect more changes to be made in time.

This is how Battle Splash evolved after 3 years of development, 8 Unity versions, 10+ prototype builds, and many hours of bugfixes after upgrading newer Unity versions.

And here's what we discovered while testing the shield item for one of our girls. In fact, we DID have a full ping-pong match by only using that item.

After a long period of preparations, we're proud to bring you guys the very first Pre-Alpha build of Battle Splash - Violence-free Third-person Water Fight Game on PC.

Download Link:

Along with the Pre-Alpha build, we also want to show you a video featuring various gameplay aspects of Battle Splash in this Pre-Alpha build.

" title="External link">

Pre-Alpha Features:

  • Large playground with the theme of Medieval Town
  • Team Free-For-All game mode
  • All characters and weapons are available
  • Single-player and Multiplayer via LAN up to 32 players
  • Challenging AI bots for comp-stomp

System Requirements:

  • CPU: Intel Core i3
  • GPU: Intel HD Graphics (2nd Generation)
  • RAM: 3GB
  • HDD: 1GB
  • OS: Windows 7 32-bit
  • Keyboard & Mouse
  • Network card for LAN Multiplayer

We're really happy if you can come along and join the fun of water fights with Battle Splash. See you at the playground!

Fast yet Clumsy, Trianga's accuracy and strength is considered to be mediocre. In return, she can run pretty fast and cannot be take down so easily.
Trianga also owns a powerful water turret that can stick to any surface, and can detect the opponents by body-heat sensor and take them down quickly.
" title="External link">

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